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They stalk their prey until they have a good vantage. Then they attach a safety line so that if the jump falls short they are safe, but if not they are on their prey and successful in their hunt. This is a general hunting tactic, some jumping Spiders have various tactics that differ slightly.

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11y ago

They dig a hole in the ground and use their web to make a gateway of sorts to put over a hole. When they feel vibrations in the ground, they jump out and catch their prey.

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13y ago

Usually the insect flies into their web and gets stuck. :)

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Q: How do trapdoor spiders catch their prey?
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Which spiders don't use webs to catch their prey?

Not all spiders spin webs to catch their food with. Among them are the wolf spider, trapdoor spider and the jumping spider.

Why does a spider spins its web?

Spiders that spin webs do so as a means of catching food. Another reason for webs is that male spiders use them during the process of reproduction.

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How do spiders hunt for there food?

Spiders inject poison to make it paraliyse or die then it sucks the insect's body

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no but there are some spiders that don't really fix there webs when there damaged and the wolf spider chases its prey than making a web and this a spider that does not make a web so that's a spider that does not make a web

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By enjecting venom through their teeth and into there prey

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Most Spiders will live in the web they have spun to catch their prey. Others will burrow under ground, and wait to ambush, or atack their prey.

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Bolas spiders spin lassos to catch their prey. The spiders are related to orb weavers and instead of spinning a web, they spin a sticky line.

What kind of spiders make their webs on the ground?

trapdoor spiders

Are trapdoor insects vertebrates or invertebreates?

Trapdoor spiders are arachnids not insects and they are inverts.