

How do you get a dog muscles?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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A good high protein diet, along with a good amount of vigorous exercise. Personally my American Bulldog pulls weights with a pro harness. I also have him perform a number of jumping exercises. Although a strong bloodline is where it all begins.

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A dog has over 500 skeletal muscles. Obviously there are the cardiac muscles and the smooth muscles on top of that but its over 500.Also for future reference all dog breeds have the same amount.

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I believe the answer is the tongue. However, if you are looking for the strongest group of external muscles for a dog then I believe it is the neck.

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there is many answers to why your dog treambels!!!!!!:) 1.your dog might be afraid of someone or something 2.your dog might be cold,sometimes dogs just need to adjust to the temperature in your house 3.make shure you dog isn't sick,just like humans dogs tremble when they have a cold or any other sickness so there i gave you the three reasons to why your dog trembles i am glad to help you and hope my information is usefull!!!!!:)

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THey have Cardiact, smooth

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the difference is that dog can dislocate there jaws :)

Which two features would a dog breeder look for when choosing huskies to breed from?

Thick fur to keep the animal warm 🐺 Strong muscles to pull the sledge without getting tired 💪