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well feed the horse alot of grain and if you want to make his/her caut shinny put some minneral oil in it :P

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Q: How do you put weight on a horse when he won't eat anything other than his grain without supplements?
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How many pounds of grain does a horse needs daily?

Depends on the weight of the horse, the age of the horse, how hard the horse is working, the type of grain, and how well they keep their weight on just hay. The nutritional value of the hay your horse is being fed can also affect how much grain your horse needs. If you are trying to put weight on, the horse generally needs more grain. If you're trying to reduce the weight of your horse, they generally need less or none at all. If a horse is not being worked at all, they do not need grain unless they cannot keep weight on with out it.

What kind of food do tamed horses eat?

Grass, hay, and also grains such as oats and alfalfa. and also concentrates, also known as grain and supplements.

Is hay a grain?

A balanced diet of mainly hay with supplemental grain is better. A sedentary horse fed a good quality hay may not require grain but will benefit from the addition of free choice salt and mineral supplements.

Do horse eat chickpeas?

Horses can eat chickpeas without any ill effect. Horses can eat almost any grain without consequence. Some horses do have preferences and will not eat all grains.

Where do cattle go before going to the slaughter house?

Depends on what stage you want to start with. If you mean after they leave the cow, or are weaned, they are backgrounded in pasture or a drylot with a high forage ration so they can grow without putting too much fat on too fast. After they reach a good weight, they go to the feedlot to be fattened on grain. Once they have reached target weight in the feedlot, they are sent to the slaughterhouse via cattle trailer and butchered.

Related questions

Is taking weight gainer supplements safe?

It depends entirely on what those supplements contain. It is not safe to take hormones that put on weight or that even put on muscle, such as anabolic steroids. These are not safe. Simple vitamin or protein supplements might be safe. But it depends on what is in them.

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What is the difference in grain count for ammunition?

Grain is a measure of weight, like gram or ounces. It can refer to the weight of powder, or the weight of a bullet.

What is a grain of weight?

The mass of 1 grain is equal to 64,798 91 g.

What is the abbreviation for the weight of a grain?


What is the weight of a grain of sand?


What does the grain mean in a bullet?

Grain refers to the weight of the bullet when measured on a powder scale.

What is grain in a bullet?

The weight of the bullet. They can range from 25 grain (Small rifles) to over 400 grain for big game.

What is the abbreviation for a grain weight?


What is suppliment feed?

If the stuff that the animals eats the most of hasn't got all the nutrients the animal needs, then it has to be fed supplements too. Supplements can be in the shape of pellets, grain or pretty much whatever.

What does the grain number of a bullet mean?

Grain refers to the weight of the bullet when measured on a powder scale.

What is bullet grain?

Grain is a measurement of weight. There are 7000 grains to 1 pound. Bullets can weigh from as little at around 20 grains to over 750 grains. Grain is also used as a measure of weight for gun powders.