

How do you tame your mean Siamese cat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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It is hard to train any sort of cat, but it takes a lot of time (many weeks or even months) to help your cat become less aggressive.

There is usually a reason why a cat behaves in a certain way. The best way to try and curb unwanted behavior is to first learn what triggers the cat to do said actions. Try and find ways of stopping the cat react before it it acts, such as withdrawing a hand, ignoring the cat for a few minutes, or even something more subtle such as averting your eyes (staring is an aggressive act to a cat). Never scold or punish a cat for not behaving as you would like it to - this will just cause the cat to be scared of you, and may lash out in defense.

It may be reccomended to contact a professional animal behaviorist if you are unsure of why a cat is aggressive.

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