

How do young animals grow?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Animals grow for several different reaons, one of the main ones being in order for them to grow and stay alive because if an animal stayed the same size for ever then it wouldn't be able to live.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Haha, this is a very broad question, but I'll answer it for you anyway. Just don't expect anything shorter than a fairly intimidating wall of text.

Animals grow through cell division, as with all other multicellular organisms. The individual cells in the organism accumulate nutrients (if anyone knows what specific nutrients are required for cell division to take place, please insert those here), and once they reach the threshold of the nutrients required for cell division, they divide, and through division, they multiply.

One cell divides into two, two divide into four, four divide into eight, eight divide into sixteen, etc.

As this occurs, the cells stick together to form collections, layering on top of each other, and making specific shapes. A collection of cells of the same type is known of as a "tissue". These tissues continue to expand and form the shapes required to create larger, more organized groups of these cells, known of as "organs." There are many different types of organs, but I will split them up into only a few primary groups (for the sake of simplicity, I will mostly use organs found in animals, if anyone else has an example that isn't used in animals, go ahead, but remember that it's best to keep the answer as easy to understand as possible. You don't want to turn one question into twenty):

Structural Organs: Structural organs are organs that help to make an organism a certain shape, and hold the internal systems together in the right places. Examples of structural organs are: bones and shells, sometimes muscles, skin, and connective tissue.

Digestive Organs: These are only found in heterotrophic organisms (organisms that can not attain energy from inorganic sources alone) and are used to break food down into nutrients required by the cells for division. Examples are: Stomach, small intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, salivary glands, pharynx, tongue, esophagus, colon, rectum, and anus.

Reproductive Organs: These are the organs used in sexual reproduction. In humans, these are the penis and the vagina.

Circulatory Organs: These are used to distribute nutrients attained through the digestive process, as well as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and various other wastes produced in cellular respiration and division. Examples are : heart, blood, and blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, and veins)

Muscles: Muscles are a type of organ that is used for locomotion. Some commonly known muscles in humans are: Biceps triceps, quadriceps, abdominals, and laterals.

Nervous Organs: Nervous organs are used to trigger responses within an organism that can not be otherwise triggered through normal mechanical means (essentially, they function to help the organism react to their environment in ways that are usually beneficial to the organism. These reactions are called "reflexes," and are triggered by "stimuli.") Examples are: Brain, spinal cord, and various nerves spread throughout the body. Not all organisms have nervous organs/tissue.

Respiratory Organs: Organs that are used for the process of breathing. These include: pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs and diaphragm.

These organs are split up into groups that serve a specific function. These groups are known as "organ systems." Some commonly known systems found in the human body are:

Nervous system, respiratory system, circulatory system, digestive system, skeletal system, and muscular system.

The structural organs serve to give the organism its shape, so in humans, as the bones gain tissue and expand, they cause the person to grow taller and broader at the shoulders/hips (as the other organs follow to retain the organization of the systems).

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11y ago

Animals grow through a process of highly regulated cellular hypertrophy and hyperplasia, as well as selected cellular apoptosis.

Animals multiple (reproduce) sexually in most instances, although some lower-order animals can reproduce asexually through several different methods.

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9y ago

In mammals, growth is stimulated by growth hormone. Insects go through the process of metamorphosis, of which the stages are egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

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13y ago

a young animal is born or hatched from an egg...

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11y ago

Sun food air

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