

How does bees spread pollen?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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A bee has concave depressions on the tibia of her hind pair of legs surrounded by hairs. These are called corbiculae or 'pollen baskets'. When pollen gets on to the bee's body she brushes it back using her fore legs into the corbucilae.

You can often see this when a bee is in flight or standing on a flower. Look for a yellow 'lump' on the back legs.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Bees spread pollen by drinking out of the plant and collecting stuff for the hive. So when they collect the stuff they get pollen all over them!So then they move onto the next flower,next,next flower,and next! so they spread pollen on all of them! hope that helped lol

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6y ago

Pollen baskets describes the way that honey bees carry pollen to the hive. The beneficial insects in question (Apis spp) have baskets, called corbicula, that blend hairs into concave shapes on hind legs. They also may transport pollen that sticks incidentally to their bodies.

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14y ago

it gets it stuck to its legs or back and as it arrives at the next flower it gives the flower the other flowers pollen

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Aleix Mas Ricart

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1y ago

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15y ago

Bees get pollen from flowers. When they suck up the nectar with their proboscis, pollen gets attached to the bees' hairy legs. Then, when the bee goes to the next flower, they pollinate it.

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6y ago

They have a special area on the back of their rear legs specifically to allow them to carry pollen.

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Aleix Mas Ricart

Lvl 2
1y ago

It gets it stuck to its legs and it brings it to the female reproductive part of another flower

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Bees typically carry pollen from one flower to another as they collect nectar. While flowers produce pollen, it is the bees that transfer it between flowers, aiding in the pollination process.

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Bees and other animals help to spread pollen to fertilize other plants.

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the role of bees is to spread pollen for the flowers to grow and the role of the humming birds is to collect necter .

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Pollen but to get pollen to other flowers they require bees. The bees work to spread pollen to other flowers while keeping some from themself to make honey. Basically you can call it a win win situation or Teamwork.

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no because honey bees pollen

Where bees bring pollen is called?

Where bees bring pollen is called a "hive." The hive is their home and the place where they store pollen, honey, and raise their young bees.

Why are bee hives placed in orchards?

Well if know that bees spread pollen, then you would know that when the bees collect pollen from plants, the next plant they touch gets a little of it from the bee. They land on the blossoms the apples grow from , therefore pollenating the apples.

Where do bees bring the pollen?

They bring the pollen to other flowers.