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Hail can affect humans and other animals by possibly causing injury and may cause road conditions to be dangerous.

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Q: How does hail affect humans and other animals?
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Does hail affect copper?

no affect!

How are animals and nature affected by hailstorms?

It could affect their habitat or even worse hit their bodies and harm them.

How does hail effect humans?

they can die.

Can hail damage animals?

Yes, hail can potentially harm animals, particularly if they are caught outside during a hailstorm. The size and force of hailstones can cause injuries to animals, including bruising, cuts, and fractures. It is important to provide shelter and protection for animals during severe weather events to minimize the risk of hail damage.

Which cloud forms hail?

Hail is a product of cumulonimbus clouds. In other words, thunderstorms.

How does hail affect non living things?

It can break windows

How does air density affect blizzards?

It make it cooler and hoter

What is a type of precipitation that is harmful to plants animals buildings and water?

acid rain, hail

Why is shelter important to animals?

Animals couldn't live without shelter. Humans are animals. What if we had no homes? We would die. This is because without shelter, bad weather can wear on animals (such as snow, rain, hail, etc.) Good weather can also be bad without shelter when it's really hot, and can cause dehydration and heatstroke. Hope this helped!!

How does hail effect the environment?

it affects how they treat animals because they consider all life sacred

What agent of weathering can affect a rock both chemically and mechanically?

Hail. when it melts, water can damage the rock.

How does the environment affect the formation of a fossil?

Hail storms have been known to cancel fossilizations