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literature help us understand the world by allowing us to be open to new ideas

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Q: How does literature help us to better understand the world around us?
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What are positive effects of science in society?

Science has revolutionized society by improving healthcare, transportation, communication, and overall quality of life. It has led to life-saving medical advancements, sustainable energy solutions, and increased knowledge that helps us better understand the world around us. Science has also played a crucial role in fostering innovation, economic growth, and global collaboration.

The world around a tadpole is its?

The world around a tadpole is its aquatic environment, including water, plants, rocks, and other organisms. It provides the necessary resources for the tadpole to grow, develop, and eventually transform into a frog.

Why do dogs smell humans croch?

Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell and use scent to gather information about their surroundings. They may sniff humans' crotches to learn about their identity, emotions, and health through the pheromones and other scents we emit. It's a natural behavior for dogs that helps them understand the world around them.

How is science used as a zoologist?

Zoologists use the scientific method to study animals, including their behavior, anatomy, genetics, and ecology. Science helps zoologists make observations, form hypotheses, and conduct experiments to better understand the natural world and the animal kingdom. This knowledge helps in conservation efforts, understanding animal evolution, and improving animal welfare.

What does weather the lizard mean?

"Weather the lizard" is not a common phrase or expression, so it is unclear what it might mean without additional context. Can you provide more information or use it in a sentence so I can better understand the meaning you are referring to?

Related questions

How does literature help us better understand the world around us?

literature help us understand the world by allowing us to be open to new ideas

How does science change the world?

science helps you to understand the world and the community around you and you can understand things better through science

What are the reason of studying science?

to understand better the world around us

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To better understand the world around us by using numbers and formulas.

Why are the ancient and religious text of cultures important to the study of world literature?

I believe that the ancient and religious texts from different cultures are important to the study of world literature because, for one, they are just that. Literature from around the world. But on another level, they impacted our literature today. Take the Ancient Greeks. They were masters of tragedy, drama, and comedy. Literature everywhere learned how to better write tales of woe and spin stories of laughter because of them. These can help you understand other historical parts of literature. I myself find many similarities between Shakespeare and the Greeks' literature. When you have recognized ancient and religious texts from diverse cultures, you can better understand current as well as other past pieces of literature. It also helps broaden your horizons, and you can benefit from it in ways that aren't even related to literature.

What is the four functions of literature?

Entertainment: Literature provides enjoyment and escapism for readers. Education: Literature can teach readers about different cultures, perspectives, and historical events. Exploration: Literature allows readers to explore complex themes, emotions, and ideas. Reflection: literature encourages self-reflection and introspection, helping readers understand themselves and the world around them.

How people in all parts of the world with different language understand each other to literature?

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