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The human deltoid muscle is much larger than a pig. The pig deltoid is also shaped differently because they walk on four feet.

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Q: How does the human deltoid differ from pig?
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How does the deltoid of the cat differ from the deltoid of a human?

The Deltoid in a human is on large muscle and the cat has an upper Clavo Brachialis and a lower Pectoantebrachialis, two muscles instead of one larger one. The Trapezius muscle is one large muscle in humans and in cats is 3 smaller muscles called the Clavobrachialis, Acromiodeltoid, and Spinodeltoid muscles.

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A human heart differs from a pig's heart by its shape. The heart is shaped more like a trapezoid and the pig's heart is shaped more valentine. The orientation of both hearts are also different.

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When talking about the difference between a human deltoid muscle and a cats deltoid muscle is that in a human it's only one muscle and in cats it is broken into three separate muscles. A cat's deltoid is broken into the clavobrachialis, acromiodeltoid, and the spinideltiod.

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Cats have three muscles together that correspond to the human deltoid muscle. The muscles are the clavodeltoid, spinodeltoid, and the acromiodeltoid.

Where aorund the human body would the deltoid be located?

The shoulder.

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how do the limbs of a pig differ markedly from those of humans?

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The human Sartorius muscle is bigger and is shaped differently than the pig muscle. This is because humans walk on two legs and pigs walk on four feet.

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