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Q: How does the presence of the hydrilla plant benefit the underwater aquatic animals which do not feed in?
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What is a hydrilla?

A Hydrilla is a non-native plant that is a aquatic plant that is in the ocean. An aquatic/exotic water plant.

What type of plastids are in hydrilla leaf cells?

Hydrilla are photosynthetic plants.So they have chloroplasts.

What is the scientific name for animals that live in water only?

Aquatic animals. most of the time they say aquatic wildlife, very few will say aquatic animals

Is Hydrilla an aquatic plant?


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Where does the hydrilla like to live?

Hydrilla is an aquatic weed, invasive (non-native and problematic) in the Eastern United States. It lives fully submerged underwater, although its flowers and sometimes portions of the plant itself may float at the surface of watever body it lies in.

How does a Hydrilla grow?

Hydrilla is a submerged aquatic plant.It respires by simple diffusion as stomata is absent in its leaves.

What do you call a doctor that takes care of underwater animals?

This would be a marine veterinarian or an aquatic veterinarian.

What are the special features of the hydrilla?

It is an aquatic plant which grows deeper in lakes,rivers.etc.

How are onion cells and hydrilla alike?

A Hydrilla is aquatic plant that lives is lakes or ponds. if you have any questions,just add me at friendster.

Animals that are from underwater that begin with letter y?

Yapok (aquatic opossum)Yellow-finned tunaYosemite toad

What have gills for underwater?

Yes, if they didn't they couldn't breath. Almost all aquatic based animals have gills.