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Their sticky like legs help them blend in with branches they perch on.

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Q: How does the robber fly use coloration to protect themselves?
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how does the robber fly protect its self

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When was Manx robber fly created?

Manx robber fly was created in 1946.

How does the robber fly blend in?

the robber fly blends in by its background. it is called the robber fly because it blends in so good that it can still parts of your food

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by there wing to fly

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they fly away or they swim away or pray do god ... No. They duck!

How do the leaf butterfly ptarmigan the katydid the walking stick the stingray and the robber fly protect themselfs using cloration?

They use camouflage it's a verb meaning to hide using color and stiffness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i understand its camouflage but i meant more specific I meant to put Coloration. your answer was no help. I need something like how they camouflage Sorry but your answer was to brief i was looking for something descriptive