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Q: How does zaroff obtain the species he hunts and how does he justify his hunting this species?
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When zaroff tells rainsford that his visitors always choose to go hunting we can infer that?

Zaroff's visitors are likely confident in their hunting abilities and enjoy the challenge of hunting. They may also be drawn to the thrill of hunting on Ship-Trap Island. This information hints at the competitive and dangerous nature of Zaroff's hunting games.

How does Rainsford's attitude toward hunting compare with Zaroff's?

Rainsford takes hunting as a sport and for fun but zaroff takes it as the only reason to live

How does General Zaroff know who Rainford was?

General Zaroff knew who Rainsford was because Zaroff read the hunting book that Rainsford wrote.

How do you think the hunting experience with Zaoff change Rainsford?

you spelt zaroff wrong its zaroff not zaoff

What are the differences of rainsford and zaroff?

the differences is that rainsford loves hunting and he writes hunting books and zaroff likes to hunt more if u have more answers please comment below

How are Zaroff's hungting skills?

General Zaroff is a skilled and experienced hunter with a deep understanding of tracking and trapping his prey. He is known for his cunning tactics and strategic approach to hunting, which make him a formidable opponent in the hunting game. Zaroff's years of hunting experience and knowledge of the jungle allow him to consistently outwit his targets.

What does General Zaroff propose to Rainsford?

General Zaroff proposes a hunt, but only the General will be hunting because Rainsford will be his prey.

Why did zaroff begin hunting humans?

He found animals simple and uninteresting.

What does Zaroff do to ease his boredom with hunting?

General Zaroff turns to hunting humans to add excitement and challenge to his sport. He considers this the ultimate form of hunting, as humans can reason and strategize like he does, making them more challenging prey. This twisted game of hunting humans on his island provides him with the thrill he seeks.

Compare and contrast rainsford and zaroff?

Rainsford is a famous American hunter and author of books about hunting. Zaroff also shares the love of hunting but he enjoys hunting human beings the most. Zaroff has fine clothes", and the "singularly handsome features of an aristocrat". Zaroff speaks very well, showing that he has been educated and refined. Both men enjoy; nice rooms, hunting big game, are same built, and much more. Rainsford is horrified when he first learns of what Zaroff is doing and realizes that hunting humans is just a game for Zaroff.

What behavior do rainsford and zaroff have in The Most Dangerous Game?

They both enjoy hunting.

Rainsford first realizes he is going to be the prey when?

He first realizes that he is going to be the prey when Zaroff tells him that the two of them will go hunting tomorrow. At first, Rainsford believes that they would be going to hunting together (both hunting for humans). Zaroff's reply tells him that he is the one that is going to be hunted.