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A dog pants by a rapid motion of the rib cage, expanding and contracting, while the tongue is fully extended.

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Q: How dog pants to help to cool itself?
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What is a sentence for pants?

"The dog runs, he gets hot, he pants to cool off."

How do animals keep cool?

some mammals sweat, but the dog pants to keep cool

Why is your pet dog panting?

because he needs to cool off so he pants and lets out heat.

What happens if your dog licks your vagina with your pants on?

._. nun. xD make sure you clean itself after!

What cools down a dog?

A dog will usually cool itself down by panting, however it may also lie with its stomach on a cool surface, because this is where a dog loses most of its heat. If you find that your dog is too hot and is not cooling down fast enough, or if you want to help your dog cool down quicker, the most advisable thing to do is NOT to pour water on your dog's back, but to put water on its neck and abdominal area. As the dog pants the air passes into its lungs, and back out the throat where the water just helps the cooling process along. The reason not to pour water on your dog's back is because this is the area on your dog which is designed to protect it from the cold the most, have you ever noticed how when it's cold your dog lies with its back protecting the rest of its body?

How does a cheetah keep itself cool in the summer?

A cheetah pants like a dog to keep itself cool in the summer. This action causes perspiration through the animal's large tongue. It does not sweat through its skin.

What does a dog do that a man steps in?

A dog pants and a man steps in pants.

When a cat pants does is stick out its tongue like a dog?

No, but it does open its mouth to rid itself of excess body heat.

Will your pants eat your dog?

Your pants will NOT eat your dog it is physically impossible!!!!!

Why do dogs open their mouth with the tongues out and what to do?

Usually it means that they're trying to cool down. When a dog pants, moisture from the dog's exhaled breath condenses on the tongue and then evaporates into the air. This evaporation causes the surface of the tongue to cool. As the tongue cools, the blood flowing through it also cools and helps cool the dog's entire body through the circulatory system.

What gray wolves do if weather gets too hot?

Wolves do the same thing that a dog does when it's hot. It finds shade and then it pants to cool down.

Why do you have a hot dog in your pants?

Actually you have nothing in my pants.