

How long can a dog run per hour?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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It depends on the breed of dog, and the pace. i have taken my golden on about 8 miles, and she is OK, but I take her off leash which is much easier for her because she can choose her own pace, and seek out shade when she needs it. On a leash is more strenuous. Also, dogs must be worked up to longer distances just as humans would. Exhaustion is characterized by lethargy and also the tongue, if it is hanging out to the side, they are OK, but if it is hanging out very far to the front, they need rest. The further out the tongue hangs the more tired your dog is. Some dogs will run themselves to death so be careful. The best breeds for long distance running are the Veisla, the Weimeriner and dogs used for herding. I believe they can run up to 15 or 20 miles.

The amount of time a dog can run per hour wouldn't be consistant, it would continually decrease with each hour they have run. Also dependent on conditioning, breed, energy level of particular dog, weather (heat), and pace.

Keep your dog hydrated, check that their gums stay pink, if they are white or sticky that is a sign of dehydration.

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