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Q: How long did it take a blacksmith in the 1700s to make a horse shoe?
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Who make the horse shoe?

Farrier or Blacksmith

Who makes horse shoes?

A blacksmith or farrier. They make horseshoes as well as put them on the horse. This is what people mean when buying a horse they say 'does the horse stand for the blacksmith/farrier?'

How does a blacksmith make horse shoes?

A blacksmith heats and hammers iron into the shape and size required.

Does a blacksmith make a shoe for a cow as well as for a horse?

No, not that I have ever heard off. I think they only make shoes for horses to fit the desighn of the foot, for the horse.

Who make the horse shoe and how?

A farrier or blacksmith can make horseshoes by heating, bending and shaping a steel rod into the characteristic shape.

Did blacksmiths back in Medieval Times deliver what they made?

In medieval times the blacksmith worked at the place where the product was needed. They would not generally make something in one town for sale in another town. They would make it in the town where they would sell it. If you brought your horse to the blacksmith's shop for a horseshoe, he would make it and put it on your horse.

What is a horse shoe maker called?

The guy who puts the shoes on the horse is a farrier, but usually he doesn't make the shoes from scratch. Today most farriers buy shoes already made, and then just adjust them to the horse. Earlier probably a blacksmith would do the rough shaping of the shoes.

What was it like to be a blacksmith back in 1600?

Back then you could not just go down to the store and buy what ever you needed when something broke. You had to fix it and that's one reason why they had a blacksmith. The blacksmiths job was to basically make or fix anything out of iron, but that's not all the blacksmith did. Since the blacksmith worked with metal he made and put horse shoes on horses. Since the blacksmith was working with the horse to put the shoes on they got to know some of the diseases that some horses have. so because of that the were also used as a vet.

What did blacksmiths commonly make in 1870?

Blacksmiths in 1870 would make wagon wheels, horse shoes and farm implements. Almost any ironwork was done by the blacksmith.

What is a job for a blacksmith?

A blacksmith is a person who forges iron, or an informal term for a person who shoes horses. A blacksmith can also refer to a blackish fish of the Pacific coast.

Can clipping a horse's toes beforehand sometimes make the blacksmith put it on wrong?

No, a farrier has spent a lot of time learning the trade and will seldom make mistakes, and will make sure that every thing goes on correctly.

What did a blacksmith do in the 1800's?

blacksmiths were people who would bend and flex metal to make weapons such as knives, swords, and daggers, but also would make fences gates and other tools