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They can be a little over 2 feet long.

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Q: How long do Flemish giant rabbits get when they lie stretched?
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Who is bigger a hare or a rabbit?

Hares are generally larger than rabbits, with longer legs and ears. Hares also tend to have a faster reproductive rate compared to rabbits.

How long do giant rabbits live?

Large rabbits do tend to live shorter than smaller rabbits. I have a Checkered Giant and according to the place where we go him, it says that he'll live for up to five years, whereas the smaller rabbits tend to live from five to ten years instead. A different answer: 5 years is a short life for a rabbit. I would say rabbits on average 8-12 years, with giant breeds sometimes as low as 6, and dwarf breeds sometimes as high as 14.

How heavy is a rabbit?

1kg-50kg. There is a rabbit that big!There are no 50kg rabbits!! Domestic rabbits range between 2 and 20 pounds.Answer #3 There are Flemish Giants that tip the scale at 30#! tHERE IS NO TOP WEIGHT ON SEVERAL BREEDS.

How long does a flemish giant rabbit live?

Well when its young its small and soft when it starts growing up its grows ginat it can grow very big search biggset bunny , images thats how much they can grow depends and dwarf bunnies are small and rex bunnies are bit bigger then dwarfs

What kinds of rabbits stay small?

any dwarf rabbits such as norwegian dwarf, netherland dwarf, dwarf lop, dutch are slightly larger but smaller than medium sized rabbits, polish rabbits. dont think about... flemish giants, giant rexes. remember there are always exceptions to the rule (meaning that my friends dwarf rabbit is HUGE) and all rabbits are small and cute as babies so think about an adult rabbit (a shelter is a great place to find a loveable bunny in need)

Related questions

Who is bigger a hare or a rabbit?

Hares are generally larger than rabbits, with longer legs and ears. Hares also tend to have a faster reproductive rate compared to rabbits.

How big do rabbits grow?

Rabbits can vary in size depending on the breed, but on average, they can grow to be between 2 to 20 pounds. Smaller breeds like the Netherland Dwarf can weigh as little as 2 pounds, while larger breeds like the Flemish Giant can weigh up to 20 pounds or more.

How long do giant rabbits live?

Large rabbits do tend to live shorter than smaller rabbits. I have a Checkered Giant and according to the place where we go him, it says that he'll live for up to five years, whereas the smaller rabbits tend to live from five to ten years instead. A different answer: 5 years is a short life for a rabbit. I would say rabbits on average 8-12 years, with giant breeds sometimes as low as 6, and dwarf breeds sometimes as high as 14.

How long are house rabbits?

They're about at last 3x4 feet on floor dimension and at least 2 feet high. It depends on what kind of rabbit you have. Dwarfs will only be 8 or 9 inches long, Flemish giants could be over 2 1/2 feet long.

How long are a rabbits legs?

how long is a rabbits leg

How long are thesmall intestines?

it depends do you mean in your stomach or stretched out if stretched out it could me as long as a school bus

Can a giant house rabbit live outside?

All rabbits can live outside, as long as they are in adequate housing. (enough space, sheltered, lots of bedding, etc)

Can a flemish giant live in a dog cage?

A large dog crate is fine for a Flemish Giant rabbit, so long as it's big enough for all the rabbit's supplies, and there's enough room left over for the rabbit to stand up completely, stretch out completely, and hop around a bit. The crate is not a permanent home: you let the rabbit out every day for five hours at least. See the related question below for more details.

Is it ok to be 15 and have stretched ear lobes?

it is as long as you haven't caused them to be stretched

Where are long eared rabbits found?

All rabbits have long ears...

How many feet long is a standard slinky stretched out?

A standard slinky toy is typically about 2 feet long when stretched out.

How heavy is a rabbit?

1kg-50kg. There is a rabbit that big!There are no 50kg rabbits!! Domestic rabbits range between 2 and 20 pounds.Answer #3 There are Flemish Giants that tip the scale at 30#! tHERE IS NO TOP WEIGHT ON SEVERAL BREEDS.