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If the stinger is removed immediately then it should hurt for a few hours and may itch for a few days afterward. The longer the stinger is left in the longer it will take to heal. You should not scratch or rub the sting as this will delay healing time as well. If you haven't had a tetanus shot recently you might consider one, especially if you have been stung several times.

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10y ago

Local reactions such as burning pain and itching, although unpleasant, are not considered signs of an allergic reaction to bee or wasp stings.

A sharp, burning sensation at the site of a bee sting is a normal, non-allergic reaction and can last up to two hours, though it often subsides in a few minutes. Soreness at the sting site can last several hours, or even a few days.

Other normal reactions include redness at the site of the sting, a small white dot where the stinger penetrated the skin, and swelling around the location. Itching also can be quite bothersome!

A stronger local reaction sometimes occurs in about 10 percent of people, which can also include extreme redness and swelling at the site of the sting which grows larger over a day or two. This type of local reaction usually resolves in about a week.

However, there are more serious symptoms after a bee or wasp sting that should prompt a call to 9-1-1 right away, even if the person experiences only one or two of these:

difficulty breathing;

swelling of the person's throat and tongue;

a weak and rapid pulse;

low blood pressure;

nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea;

dizziness or fainting; and

loss of consciousness.

These likely indicate a severe allergic reaction, or anaphylaxis, and only 2 to 3 percent of the population will experience them.

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