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It was five inches (13cm) long. It was located on the second toe and was held off of the ground while the dinosaur walked.

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Q: How long is a full grown Deinonychus claw?
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How long is a full grown Deinonychus?

It was five inches (13cm) long. It was located on the second toe and was held off of the ground while the dinosaur walked.

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A full grown cheetah is about 3 feet long.

What does the deinonychus dinosaur look like?

We can only speculate one what color deinonychus was. We do know that deinonychus had feathers from preserved feathers in close relatives of deinonychus and from quill knobs found in young deinonychus specimens. The feathers on the arms and the end of the tail were probably large and well structured, giving the dinosaur a very birdlike appearance. It would have stood a little over three feet tall and measured about ten feet long from the nose to the end of the tail. One of the most notable features of deinonychus were the claws on its feet. Each foot bore four toes: two contacted the ground and acted as normal toes, one remained as a dewclaw, and the inner toe bore a sickle-shaped claw that it kept raised above the ground. This earned deinonychus its name, which means "terrible claw." The link below shows and artist's interpretation of what deinonychus may have looked like. Note that the colors are speculation.

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A Liger full grown is very long like around10-14feet they are very long and tall.

How long did deinonychus live?

It lived in the early Cretaceous Period.

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