

How long is a hens pregnancy?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Hens do not get "pregnant" They produce an egg every 24 hours approximately. That egg may or may not be fertile depending on if the hen has been mated with a rooster in the previous 7 days. The hen will produce the egg with or without the roosters involvement.

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I believe it is best if you dont introduce just one hen. there is a better chance of introducing two hens that know each other to another two hens which know each other. that way the hens you had alredy will not pick on the new hen. And i am not sure how long i would wait but it may take at least a few weeks. I had the same problem not too long ago!what you should do is put the third hen in a small cage inside the hutch/cage that you have the other hens in. only leave the third hen in there for a week at most! make sure that the other hens can see her! this will help in that the other two hens will get used to seeing her with them and then after the week release the 3rd hen with the othe hens ! they should get a long! good luck

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42 weeks

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Roughly 21 days.

How long to hens live?

Up to 12 years. But rarely in captivity

How long does a hens body take to produce an egg how long does she rest before she makes another?

It takes about 24 hours for a hens to make an egg and after she has started to lay them them regularly she with lay 1 egg a day.

How long do commercial egg producers keep their hens before replacing them with new hens?

Most egg producers will cull the flock when they reach about 18 months old.

You have 9 hens 2 years old and just put a mature rooster in the coop how long for them to adjust?

the hens should accept the cockrel within one week at the most

How long does rholde island hens stay pregnant?
