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It depends which sub-species you mean. There are members of the Crotalinae family that only grow to 18 inches OR others that reach 12 feet !

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Q: How long is the Crotalinae snake or the pit viper?
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Where does the pit viper live?

Pit Vipers are found mostly in Asia and some regions of the United States. These snakes like to live in desert areas.

What are the poisonous snakes in borneo?

I will soon be moving to Borneo and as a wildlife enthusiast I wanted to research some of the snakes I might encounter. Cobras: King Cobra (worlds largest venomous snake) over 13' long Sumatran Cobra Kraits: Banded Krait Yellowheaded Krait Sea sk: Yellow-Lipped Sea Krait Marbeled Sea Snake Amphibious Sea Snake (all sea snakes are venomous) Pit Vipers: Waglers Pit viper White Lipped Pit Viper Pope's Pit Viper Shore Pit Viper Cat Sks: Yellow Ringed Cat Snake (Mangrove Snake) Spotted Cat Snake Dog-toothed Cat Snake White Spotted Cat Snake Black Headed Cat Snake (all mildly venomous) Water Snakes: Dog-Faced Water Snake Corals: Blue Malayan Coral Banded Malayan Coral It's quite the list, all of these found in Borneo. Stay safe and don't attempt to capture these animals unless you are trained appropriately. Watch your step and enjoy your jungle adventure.

What isDeath Adder?

The 'Death Adder' is a species of venomous snake found in North America, a member of the 'Pit Viper' subfamily.

How much does a wagler's pit viper weigh?

it must weigh about 20 pounds or more for this pit viper.

Can you eat a pit viper snake?

Their is many types of pit vipers first their is no such thing as a poisonous snake they are venomous some pit vipers have weak venom like copperhead snakes found in USA. The other Australian copperhead is not a pit viper it is related to cobras and mambas. Other pit vipers such as the eyelash viper found in central and south America have much more deadly venom

Related questions

What is a pit viper?

a pit viper is a snake

What snakes begin with the letter m?

Here are some: Mamba Monocellate cobra Mozambique spitting cobra Moccasin snake Mangrove snake Milk snake Montpellier snake Mud snake Massurana Mulga Machete savane Mamushi pit viper Malabar pit viper Malayan pit viper Mc Mahon viper Mole viper

Is a pit viper a rattlesnake?

yes a pit viper is a venomous snake including rattlesnakes

What is the coolest looking snake in the world?

the eyelash pit viper

What kind of snake resembles a rattlesnake but has no rattle on its tail and was found in southern Louisiana?

The copperhead, Agkistrodon Contortrix, has a similar pattern, and may even vibrate its tail when threatened, as do cottonmouths, Agkistrodon Piscivorus..Both are in the Pit Viper family, sub family Crotalinae, along with the rattlesnakes.

Where the pit viper snake lives?

The pit viper snake can be found eastward of eastern Europe. It is most common to be spotted in Asia, Japan, Taiwan, and Sri Lanka. They occasionally can be found in South America too.

What do pit vipers look like?

The head of a pit viper has a triangular shape that is thick and blocky. The body is also very thick. A pit viper has elliptical eyes and a 'pit' located between the eye and the snake's nostril.

Is the viper a poisonous snake?

Yes a Viper is poisonous -_-" but it depends on what species it is since there are many around the world like a pit viper is highly poisonous

Where does the pit viper live?

Pit Vipers are found mostly in Asia and some regions of the United States. These snakes like to live in desert areas.

What do pit viper snake eat?

Pit vipers - like the vast majority of snake species - are rodent eaters. They prey on animals such as rats, mice, voles etc.

Does a pit viper shoot venom?

No. Pit vipers do not shoot venom. In fact there is one snake breed that does it is called a spitting cobra.

What are some features of a viper snake?

There are many types of viper snakes found all around the world. They are divided into two groups; pit vipers and true vipers. Pit vipers have pit organs between their eyes and nostrils while true vipers have no pit organs.