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Spotting varies with each dog but typically last three to five days. The heat can last up to three weeks.

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Q: How long should bleeding occur during season?
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how long dhould the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant how long should the bleeding occur after intercourse when you are pregnant

Is bleeding occur during pregnancy?

no, and if you are bleeding during pregnancy u need to go see the doctor because u might have had a miscarriage

Does every woman have implantation bleeding?

ive got 3 children and suffered 1 miscarriage and not once did i have implantation bleeding with any of my pregnancies :-)

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There is no such thing as an eclipse 'season'.

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Mostly during the spring time in March though June, but they can occur at any time of year.

How long is the growing season through Nigeria?

The growing season for Nigeria seems to be around 4 months long. This growing season seems to occur during the summer months during each passing year. The growing season for Nigeria seems to be around 4 months long. This growing season seems to occur during the summer months during each passing year.

How long is the growing season throughout Nigeria.?

The growing season for Nigeria seems to be around 4 months long. This growing season seems to occur during the summer months during each passing year.

Is bleeding normal during pregnancy?

Some light bleeding may occur, but it's best to see your doctor just in case.

Can you hold someone's uterus if they are bleeding during childbirth?

No the uterus is lodged in the pelvis - even during childbirth - the exception being after a cesarian section - the doctor may pull the uterus out during the repair after birth. If bleeding should occur massaging the uterus may help slow the bleeding. In the recovery room following delivery a woman may need a fundal massage to stop bleeding, this is done by firming rubbing the woman's lower abdomen at the top of the uterus.

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September is in the middle of hurricane season.

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during flood season in flood zones

When do hurricanes occur off the coast of Georgia?

Occasionally during the hurricane season