

How loud are ducks?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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14y ago

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The common English sound is "Quack". Note that in other languages they may use a different word to describe the sound. This is not only the case for ducks but for all animals.

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14y ago

As loud as Cameron James Mark (no confusion here) Furey

0421 776 ***

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Q: How loud are ducks?
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Yes. I had my two ducks taken in daylight by a fox, just this week and just an hour, I heard my female ducks quaking really loud and went to the back door and there it stood,by the pond, watching my ducks in the water. If my ducks wouldn't have beenin the water, I would be missing more of my ducks.

How are ducks helpful to humans?

They provide MEAT! YAH BABY!! they also give us feathers and loud noise. :)

Are female cayuga ducks noisy?

Cayuga ducks in general are quieter than other breeds, though females are louder than males. Females have a loud quaking sound and males have more of a wheezing sound.

What is a sentence for quack?

The duck in the pond let out a loud quack when someone approached.

What can ducks do?

This depends on what kind of ducks you have. Some of the basics are quacking, swimming, mating, eating, pooping, making loud noises, and waddling around. Certain ducks are better than others at these things. I have noticed that call ducks are especially good at quacking and making noise. Runner ducks are good at running and have a unique shape that looks a bit like a wine bottle. Some ducks are good at hatching. Some are very good at flying. Some ducks are actually too heavy to fly, like Ruins.

Is it flocks of ducks?

Yes, the plural noun 'flocks' is a standard collective noun for two or more groups of ducks.The collective nouns for ducks are:brace of ducks (applies to birds, in general)flock of ducks (applies to birds on the ground, in general)flight of ducks (applies to birds in the air, in general)flush of ducks (a brood)badelynge or badling of ducks (applies to ducks on the ground)paddling of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)raft of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)team of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)

Which is correct grammar - all the ducks or all of the ducks?

all the ducks is like ' all the ducks in the world ' but all of the ducks is ' all of the ducks in our farm'

What are the collective noun of duck and dogs?

The collective noun for teachers is a faculty of teachers.There are several collective nouns for duck:brace of ducks (applies to birds, in general)flock of ducks (applies to birds on the ground, in general)flight of ducks (applies to birds in the air, in general)badelynge or badlingof ducks (applies to ducks on the ground)paddling of ducks (applies to ducks in the water)raftof ducks (applies to ducks in the water)teamof ducks (applies to ducks in the water)flush of ducks

Why are ducks ducks?

Because that is how they evolved, and humans named them ducks.