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they lay around 250 a year but once a man bet the record of 364 in 365 days WOW

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14y ago
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14y ago

Cochin hens are only fair egg producers, laying an average of two per week.

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Q: How many eggs will a cochin hen lay a year?
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When a hen laid 10 dozen eggs in one year. How many eggs is that?

120 eggs.

How many eggs does a female chicken lay in a year?

your average chicken/hen lays about 260 eggs a year.

How many eggs does a hen in battery farming lay?

About 300 a year

How many eggs will a speckled sussex hen lay in a year?


How many eggs will a polish hen lay in a year?

None...only Polish roosters lay eggs.

How many eggs does a black star hen lay in a year?

one at a time

Will a hen automatically sit on the egg to hatch?

A hen will go "broody" at anytime during her egg laying years. Not all hen do and some breeds are just naturally brooders. To ensure at least one brood hen in the flock you might consider getting a Cochin or a Silkie hen as these two breeds are good brooders. There is no way to force a hen to sit on eggs.

How many eggs are formed inside a hen?

about 2 eggs.

How often must a hen be fertilized?

Hens can live a whole life without fertilization and still lay fresh eggs just as frequently as hens who are mated regularly. To produce fertilized eggs for hatching, hens must be mated about once weekly.

Why isnt an egg crushed by the incubating hen?

Sometimes they are, bigger breeds like orpington, cochin, australorp, are more prone to breaking their eggs because they are bigger and heavier, whereas breeds like silkie, Japanese bantam, etc, rarely break their eggs. Also, eggs are surprisingly strong and when a hen incubates her eggs she loses the feathers on her abdomen and so the eggs are in contact with her soft skin

Does the frog and hen starts from egg?

Yes. they both do. But their eggs are very different. While the hen's eggs have a hard outside the frogs eggs are very soft. Also a hen doesn't lay nearly as many eggs as a frog. Also frogs eggs are in the water, while a hen lays them on land.

Why are three brown eggs?

Brown eggs come from hens that are mostly brown such as Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island. White eggs come from white hens such as the white Leghorn.Another viewFeather colour is not actually a good indicator of the colour egg the hen will lay. Breed of hen will determine the colour of the egg shell. Black Cochin hens lay brown eggs, white Ameraucana hens will lay green shelled eggs. It is believed the colour of the feathers near the ears of a hen is an indicator but that too is not always reliable.