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Estimates vary, but the consensus is that bees have to visit between four million and seven million flowers to make one kilogram of honey.

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Q: How many flowers does it take to make one kilogram of honey?
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How many flowers do bees visit to collect enough nectar to make 1 kilogram of honey?

Over 4.4 million is the number of flowers that bees have to visit to make one kilogram of honey. One kilogram means 2.20 pounds of honey from the combination of bee enzymes and floral nectars. It will be shared with colony members in some cases and stored in other instances.

How many flowers bees need to make one pound of honey?

bees need to visit 2 million flowers to make that pound of honey

Teaspoon of honey equals how many flowers?

* It takes about 31,000 flowers to make one teaspoon of honey. (See related links.) * A teaspoon of honey is not even half a flower if your aiming for two flowers you need at least 16 teaspoons of honey!

Is nectar a sweet juice produced by many flowers?

Bees make honey from it.

How many bees does it take to make a kilo of honey?

The flowers dont make honey the pollen does.

How many liters in a kilogram of honey?


How many flowers must bees collect pollen from to make a one pound comb of honey?

[1] It has been estimated that a honey bee must visit 2 million flowers to make 0.5 kilogram, or 1.1 pound, of honey. [2] There are 1,000 grams in 1 kg. So a honey bee must visit 4,000 flowers to make 1 g.

Why do scientist say that some bugs are beneficial?

Not completely sure, but bees make honey. Many insects polonate flowers and plants, so without them there would be no flowers!

How do they make desert mesquite honey?

Mesquite honey is made by bees. Apiculturists place bee hives in areas with many mesquite trees and the bees do all the work. The bees drink nectar from the mesquite flowers and use it to make their honey. Man only has to harvest the honey at the end on the season.

How many pounds of honey hive produce?

There are many factors which can affect the amount of honey that can be collected from the hive, including the variety of bee, the weather patterns through the spring and summer, the amount and varieties of flowers within foraging range from the hive, and the strength of the colony.That said, the amount of honey can be as little as none, or as much as 100 pounds of honey from one hive -- and in exceptional cases much more, the record is over 500 pounds.

How are angiosperm and its pollinators mutually rewarded by their relationship?

The angiosperms are pollinated and the pollinators get what they need. An example is honey bees, which pollinate flowers and also get what they need to make their hives.

How many trips do honey bees take to collect enough nectar to make a pound of honey?

Between them the bees will make between 25 and 30 thousand foraging trips to collect enough nectar to make a pound of honey, and in the process they will visit something in the order of two million flowers.