

How many legs has ant?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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They don't. Ants have six legs, just like any other insect (allowing for special cases like adult female bagworms that have lost legs). They also have two antennae (feelers), though those are not generally used for any sort of locomotion, but if you counted the antennae as legs you would get eight, not seven. Insects often have two other limbs at the tips of their abdomens. They are called cerci and they also are not real legs, but some insects use them for feelers or pincers. The so-called "silverfish" or "fish moths" use them for feelers.

As for "why", that is a very dangerous word to use; you should always ask yourself what sort of answer you really want; why do you have two legs? Why does a dog have four legs? Why does a lion have two legs for dinner?

The nearest I can get to a meaningful answer is that insects have six legs because of the way they are built; the way they develop in their eggs, their bodies are built up of a train of little blocks we call segments (so are humans in fact, but never mind that for now) Each segment has "legs" or appendages of some sort, depending on where it is on the insect's body. Most of those legs vanish as the insect grows. Animals like millipedes that have many legs have a lot of trouble controlling them. Two, four or six, eight, maybe even ten, are a good number for efficient walking, running or jumping. Some ancient insect had six on its seventh to ninth segments or so, and that worked well for its lifestyle, so its young did well. All other insects were descended from them. So: six legs each...

I hope that helps.


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