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why do you have to troll? Lick my bum kid.

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Q: How many lizards do you have if there is one lizard in your house?
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Related questions

What does it mean when a lizard has another lizard in his mouth?

It probably means that one lizard is eating the other. Many lizards are carnivorous and won't hesitate to eat smaller lizards.

Do lizards have movable eyelids?

Yep, they do, in fact its one of their distinguishing characteristics (as opposed to say, snakes).

What type of lizard is the small pinkish one you find in your house?

There is a possibility it is a house gecko if you would like to get rid of it the best thing to do is to turn the porch light on so the bugs get attracted to it and to eat them the lizard also is.

How many lizards are left?

There are many lizards which one lizard got away,how many lizards were left? The answer is none,because the other lizards follow the lizard who got away.

Will a lizards tale grow a new baby?

No, one of the lizards that don't is the bearded dragon

What is a California Legless Lizard?

The California legless lizard is just one example of many species of legless lizards. They are true lizards. Here is the interesting part: A legless lizard evolved from a certain type of lizard. A snake evolved from a now-extinct 4-legged lizard. They are not closely related to each other, even though they look about the same.

How do you get on lizards?

the way you get a lizard is to catch one out side or you can buy one at the store.

Who discovered lizard's?

Many people have discovered many types of lizards, Darwin being one. The name originates from the latin name lacertus.

What do tropical lizards eat?

Depends on the species of lizard. Most lizards are herbivorous, and, for example, iguanas eat only fruits and vegetables. Others, such as bearded dragons, will eat insects as well as fruit and vegetables.

Do green lizards eat moths?

yes they can i saw my lizard eat one

What is the difference between a humans eye and a lizards eye?

one is in a lizard the other is in you genius

What animal looks like a lizard?

Many animals eat lizards. Some examples would include raptors like hawks and falcons. Other birds like herons and storks will eat lizards. Canines like wolves, coyotes, and foxes also eat lizards. Cats also eat lizards. In fact, almost any carnivore will eat a lizard if it can catch one!A lizard is a Squamate Reptiles, that has almost 5,000 different species . They are seen in around oceanic island.