

How many long bones in stifle joint?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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There are two long bones in the stifle joint. The stifle joint is made up of the femur, tibia and patella. The femur and tibia are long bones, and the patella is a sesamoid.

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Two bones come together at a joint or articulation. There are many different types of joints such as the "hinge" joint, the "ball and socket" joint, the "ellipsoid" joint, and more. Prominent joints on the human body include elbows and knees.

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The articulation (movement) of a joint is aided by a capsule between the bones (cartilage); and synoval fluid to aid lubrication. The joint will be held together overall by strong bundles of fibre called ligaments; many of them in complex joints such as knee and shoulder. And tendons are strong fibre bundles attaching the muscles to the bones near the joint to actually move the joint.

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By definition a joint (articulation) is the site where two bones come together. There are many classifications depending on the amount of movement that occurs between the bones and the age of the person. Some are freely moveable (your shoulder) and some are immovable (bones in the adult cranium).

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By definition a joint (articulation) is the site where two bones come together. There are many classifications depending on the amount of movement that occurs between the bones and the age of the person. Some are freely moveable (your shoulder) and some are immovable (bones in the adult cranium).

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How many type of bones do you have?

4 types: long bones, short bones, flat bones, and irregular bones350 total bones as a baby206 total bones as an adult (many of the bones join together)