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In an adult worm, there may be more than 100 segments.

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Q: How many segments does a earthworm have?
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The number of segments between prostomiun and clitellum?

There are about 30 segments between the prostomium and clitellum of an earthworm. actually this question asked as differently as "How many segments are between the prostomium and clitellum of an earthworm?" see answer for this question.

Does earthworm has scales?

No. They have segments.

What is The first segment of the earthworm?


How many segments does a worm have?

An earthworm, Annelida [= ringed] has up to five pairs of hearts.

How many segments of an earth worm have a heart?

An earthworm, Annelida [= ringed] has up to five pairs of hearts.

What is unique about earthworms skin and diet?

The earthworm's diet is dirt and other minerals. The earthworm's skin has little segments.

What pores are located on segments 9 through 16 in a earthworm?

There are seminal receptacles in segments nine and ten. In segments seven through fourteen, there are genitalia segments. The crop is in segments 15 and 16.

How many nephridiopores are in each segment of the earthworm?

Except for the first and last segments, which have no setae, there are eight tiny bristle-like structures that can not be seen with the naked eye called setae on each segment of an earthworm. The arrangement of the setae is one factor that helps in the identification of earthworms, as they can be closely or widely paired in four pairs or separate. Setae grip the soil to help the earthworm move about and sense the enviroment.

Function of septa in earthworm?

I believe they thin, membranous separations in between the earthworm segments. Functions would include structure within segments, and the connectivity of the skin and internal organs

What segments are the sperm grooves located on an earthworm?

It is located on segment 21.

Which segments lack nephridia?

In an earthworm, nephridia occur in all body segments except the first three segments. Integumentary nephridia are V-shaped and lack nephrostomes.

How are the segments of a crayfish different from those of an earthworm?

As opposed to earthworms, arthropods (crayfish) segments often become fused. Therefore, certain parts of a crayfish that looks like one piece, was once multiple pieces before they became fused together, so some segments were actually once more than just that one segment. An earthworm on the other hand, is just as many segments as are seen, and always has been.