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The latest figures show around 500 to 600.

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Q: How many siberan tirers are in the world?
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What is the scientific name of the siberan tiger?

The scientific name of the Siberian tiger is Panthera tigris altaica.

Where do siberan tigers come from?

Siberian tiger can be found in Russia.

Why does man kind kill siberan tigers?

They kill them and then the tigers die

Do siberan tigers hatch from eggs?

no they are mammals therefore they don't hatch from eggs

Where does the siberan tiger get its food?

It hunts the animals where it lives. Siberia may be cold, but there are many animals there. It needs to eat 65 pounds of meat a day.

How do you say Winter Garden Siberan Forest Cat in Russian?


How much does a siberan female tiger weigh?

Females weigh around 325-400 pounds at adulthood.

Why should you stop the siberan tiger from existent?

Because every living thing plays an important role in our ecosystem. Whether you know what that important role is or not all animals still are important to this planet.

How do you calm down a Siberan Husky at one years old?

Get it to roll over and run its belly! While rubbing, keep saying 'shhh' repeatedly. Or, get it to be scared of you, and get the doggie to lay down. Best of luck, M

What domain does a siberan husky belong to?

The Siberian husky, like all dogs, is a mammal, and all mammals belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya, which are characterised by having cells with nuclei. Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.

How many culture there in the world?

Their is so many cultures in the world, their is just so many in the world, we do not know

How many cultures are there in the world?

Their is so many cultures in the world, their is just so many in the world, we do not know