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It is impossible to know as the white tiger is a relatively rare morph of tiger.

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Q: How many white tigers are left in the in the wild?
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What is the population of tigers?

Around 5500 in the wild..20,000 or more in captivity. But that also depends entierly on the species. There are 96 royal white tigers, all in captivity. 10 Maltese tigers with one left in the wild and the rest in captivity

How many white tigers there are now?

There are many in zoos and circuses, safari parks. But the white Bengal tiger has not been seen in the wild since 1967. there are 200 white Bengal tigers left, mostly in zoos but there are a few in the wild There have been no white tigers confirmed in the wild for thirty years or more.

How many tigers is it left in the wild?

Today is it 9th January 2016, and today there is only 2651 tigers left in the wild. Bangladesh is there 440, bhutan is there 75, cambodia is there only 20, china is there 45, india is there 1706, indonesia is there 325. Of all 2651 tigers, 200 of them is white tigers and only 12 of the 200 white tigers are in india.

How many white tigers were there before they were extinct?

White tigers are not actually extinct, there are 200 left on earth, but most are in zoo's. White tigers are an extremely rare color of the Bengal tiger. None have been seen in the wild for years.

Are White Siberian tigers extinct?

The white tigers are bengals, not siberians, and none are currently in the wild. All are in captivity.

How many Bengal tigers are there left in the wild?

There are around 2300 Bengal tigers left in the wild, most of these in India.

Why should people be concerned about the huge losem in white tigers?

People should be concerned because of the low number of White Tigers left in the wild

On what continent are there wild tigers?

White Bengal tigers live on the continent of Asia

How many siberean tigers are left?

400 to 600 in the wild

How many tigers are left in the world 2012?

There are only 900 to 1100 tigers left in the world

How many Caspian tigers are there left in the wild?

The Caspian Tigers are extinct since the 70's

What is the white tiger's distrubution?

There are no white Bengal tigers in the wild at this time, but many zoos have them.