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Q: How much does pig tracheas cost for utilization in advanced airway training?
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What are the tracheas main functions?

Basically for passage of airway from mouth and nose to the lungs for oxygenation.

An EMT who has advanced training specific areas of advanced life support is called?

Depends on which state you are in. Michigan has several levels. An EMT with advanced airway and IV skills is called a Specialist. An EMT with advanced airway, IV, cardiology and pharmocology is called a Paramedic.

What is an advanced airway device?

its something that you stick into the persons mouth that opens their airway for them and you can breathe for them or you use it to keep their airway open so they dont choke

What advanced airway is inappropriate for a patient at high risk of vomiting and aspiration?

uncuffed endotraceal tub

What is the proper ventilation rate for a patient in cardiac arrest who has a advanced airway in place?

One breath every 5 seconds

What is the correct CPR for 2 rescuer with advanced airway in adult?

compressions and ventilations ata constant rate for two minutes

What is the compression rate for CPR 2 person rescuers for patient with advanced airway?

The only difference an advanced airway would make is that you no longer have to discontinue compressions after every 30 to administer rescue breaths. You can continue compressions at a rate of 100 per minute, and give the rescue breaths with your BVM without pausing after every 30 compressions.

What is the airway management technique recommended when there are no head neck or spine injuries?

Either an oropharyngeal tube or an endotracheal tube if available and you have the training, otherwise use the 'head tilt, chin lift' method to sustain the airway.

What is the potential danger of using ties that passed circumferentially around the patient's neck when securing an advanced airway?

obstructing venous return from the brain

Why does the stomach increase in size when performing CPR?

If the stomach is increasing in size, you are likely using an advanced airway such as an EMT or Paramedic uses.This should not be happening. It means your airway leads into the stomach, not the lungs. If you're using a Combitube, switch from your current tube to your secondary. If you're using a King or other airway, you may need to remove the tube and try again.Beware, the victim may vomit.

What is the potential danger of using ties that pass circumerentially around the patients neck when securing an advanced airway?

Danger of asphyxiation (being choked) by the ties.

How do you ventilate a cardiac arrest patient with advanced cardiac airway in place?

deliver ventilations over 1 second every 6 to 8 seconds