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humans ears are more sensitive because animals have super hearing

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Q: How much more sensitive are animals hearing compared to humans?
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What do animals hear different to humans?

How is animal hearing different then humans?

Can all animals hear the same sound?

All animals have different sensitivities of hearing. Different animals hear different sounds. Like a dog. A dog has one of the most sensitive hearing levels. That's what dog whistles were meant to do. They were supposed to make it so humans can't hear it but dogs can.

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Why do humans have little body hair compared to other animals

How does the hearing for humans human beings differ from that of other animals?

they have different hearing range

How good is a cat's hearing?

A cats' hearing is much more sensitive than humans and dogs. A domestic dog's hearing range is approximately 40 Hz to 60,000 Hz, where is it thought that a cat's is 45 Hz to 64,000 Hz. This is compared to a human's hearing range of about 64 Hz to 23,000 Hz.

How does hearing affect boys compared to girls?

Male and female humans have the same ability to hear.

What is a hearing range of monkey?

125Hz-36,000 Hz for monkeys compared to 20Hz-20,000 Hz for humans.

What is the hearing range of a monkey?

125Hz-36,000 Hz for monkeys compared to 20Hz-20,000 Hz for humans.

Do loud noises effect farm animals?

yes indeed because animals have better hearing than humans

Compair dogs hearing to humans?

"Dogs detect sounds as low as the 16 to 20 Hz frequency range (compared to 20 to 70 Hz for humans) and as high as 70,000 to 100,000 Hz (compared to 20,000 Hz for humans), and in addition have a degree of ear mobility that helps them to rapidly pinpoint the exact location of a sound" - From The reason for this is, because dogs are hunting animals. If we didn't keep them and tame them as our pets, they would be like wolves.

Are Bert and Ernie humans?

No, they are Muppets. They are human-like, compared to some Muppets that are animals or monsters, but they are not actually humans.

How do animals hear better than humans?

YES! i think that dolphins have 15 times the hearing we do