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My 3 month old mule just had umbilical hernia surgery. He also had an infected umbilical cord. It cost me about $600.00 including his antibiotics. I was not charged to castrate him at the same time. The cost will vary on were you are located.

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Q: How much will a horse's hernia surgery cost?
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I could cost anywhere from $800.00 to several thousand dollars depending on what vet you go to, how large the hernia is and where exactly it is located.

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I paid about $1000 to have my quarter horse filly's large umbilical hernia (3 finger that had not resolved by age 15 months) repaired surgically, under general anaesthesia, at Mount Vernon Veterinary Hospital in Mount Vernon, Washington.

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I am not so sure in UK but here is an estimate, if it is Hernia Repair Epigastric - it could cost at around $1500 - $3500 (, and if it is Hernia Repair Inguinal it would cost you at around $1500 ( Good Luck!

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You should talk with your surgeon about this because depending on how large the hernia, what kind of surgical procedure, and how much your infant weighs all plays a part. Generally speaking I have heard not to lift more than 10 pounds initially after surgery. I am having my own hernia repair surgery tomorrow and have a 15 pound baby so I will not be able to lift him for the first week post surgery. Good luck!

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