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Chihuahua's should go into heat once every six months for about two weeks.

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Q: How ofter do chiquaqua dogs go into heat?
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When do male beagle dogs go into heat and do they go into heat with another male dog?

Male dogs can not go into heat.

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How soon after birth do dogs go in heat?

After birth, dogs go on heat between 5-0 months

Can male dogs go int heat?

No, only female dogs can go into heat. Males can mate at any time of the year.

How long do male dogs go crazy in heat cycle?

Well, if your male is in heat, you either need to a": double check it's business, or b: call guiness book of world records, because only females go into heat

What causes female dogs to go into heat Can male dogs cause this to happen?

Female dogs go into heat when they think of mating, they get excited, then the male dogs will mate with them... however a male dog can make a female one to go into heat by licking the dog's vulva with their tongues...........

Do dogs ever not go into heat?

if they are not female and are not fixed

Do guys go into heat like dogs?

yes they can.

Your dogs in heat how far can she go you miss her?

You better start searching for her. A dog in heat is easy prey for packs of wild dogs.

How old are dogs when they go in heat the second time?

they are a year to a year and half when they go in heat for the second time.

After a great Pyrenees had a heat how much time is there until the next one?

On average dogs go into season, or heat, every six months. However, some dogs go into heat more frequently than others.

Can dog go thought pregnancy longer?

Yes. Dogs can go through pregnancy. Most dogs go into heat 2 times a year.