

How old is the sea floor?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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It varies from a maximum age of 200 million years to the newly created sea floor at the mid-ocean ridges.

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15y ago

They range in age from brand new to 170+ million years. Ocean crust is constantly being recycled.

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What happens to the old ocean floor as the sea floor spreads?

As the sea floor spreads, the old ocean floor gets pushed out, which makes the plates move.

Is the age of the sea floor the same age of the continents?

No. The sea floor is much younger than the continents. The oldest sea floor is about 200 million years old. The continents are billions of years old.

What happens after magma erupts along mid ocean?

The magma spills over the ridge and pushes the old sea floor away toward a subduction zone where the old sea floor melts.

What happens to magma after it erupts onto the ocean floor?

The magma spills over the ridge and pushes the old sea floor away toward a subduction zone where the old sea floor melts.

Process in which new sea floor forms as older sea floor is pulled apart?

sea-floor spreading

Why is the earth 4.6 billion years old but the oldest sea floor is only 180 millions years old?

Just as new sea floor forms at mid-ocean ridges, new sea floor is forced back into the mantle at abduction zones. The oldest seafloor is at east and west the edges of the Atlantic Ocean, dating to the breakup of Pangaea.

Where is sea floor crust created?

It was created on the sea floor.

How is the sea floor able to spread?

the sea floor separates. magma comes up the crack forming new sea floor

What s at the bottom of the earth?

We know that the sea floor is composed of old basaltic rock called SIMA . The sea floor mostly contains sand (which came from a continent ) , some marine sediment, continental sediment and some types of sediment . We also get some resources from the sea floor, like petroleum, and some marine resources, but then again the sea floor is the least explored thing on our planet. Answer: You can also find starfish at the bottom of the sea floor. Along with seaweed and other plants that grow on the sea floor.

How old are the oldest rocks found on the sea floor?

Around 200 million years of age.

The process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor?

DA ANSWER ISseafloor spreadingThe_process_by_which_molten_material_adds_new_oceanic_crust_to_the_ocean_floor_is_calledThe_process_by_which_molten_material_adds_new_oceanic_crust_to_the_ocean_floor_is_called

How did harry hess find out that the sea floor was spreading?

He used a navy ship to sound the sea floor. He found out magma was coming out of the mantle and into the sea floor.