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About 4 to 6 months.

A mother cat will have a litter and about 3 months later will go into heat and get pregnant. Two months later she will have another litter.

A mother cat shouldn't have too many litters in her life it will wear her down and the stress could kill her.

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6 months, but a cat isn't mature until 12-16 months old

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Q: How soon after a litter of kittens should a cat have another litter of kittens?
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What age are kittens litter trained?

They say if the mother cat doesn't show them how, that one needs to show the kittens how to use a litter box. Mine didn't show hers and at 6 weeks I took each one and sat them in the litter box and took their front paws and showed them how to scratch in the litter and all it took was that one time and they all used the litter box then.

How soon can a cat conceive after having a litter?

A cat usually comes back into heat when her kittens are weaned, but some Queens start as soon as the kittens are born.

Why is your pregnant cat bitting you?

as soon as she has the litter she will be ok she's justbeing protective of the kittens she has

When do kitten start using litter box?

kittens are predisposed to use a litter box, as soon as they are big enough to climb into one, in the mean time help them in, as soon as they are "done" you can lift them out again. they do it automatically, hilarious to watch!

Cat spade after kittens?

As soon as your kittens are pretty well weened and her milk is drying up, you need to get her spaded because she will then go in heat again and you will have another litter! I think my kittens where like 8-9 weeks old when I got the mother spaded and the vet said she was getting ready to come in heat again.

How soon do kittens forget their litter mates?

Depends on if they are separated and for how long.

When do you get female cat fixed after first litter?

As soon as the kittens are weaned; preferably fairly shortly after so she doesn't get pregnant again. The mother cat's ovaries produce hormones that are essential for milk production; once the kittens no longer require milk, the mother cat can be spayed.

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immediately - as soon as you can get your doe to breed.

How soon after having kittens should you move cat?

The best idea is to leave the cat there until the cat comes out.

How soon after having kittens can a female cat go into heat if she is still nursing the kittens?

This depends on the Queen. Some cats will be back on heat immediately after and others will not come back on call for weeks afterwards. This is why it is ideal to spay the mother cat as soon as the kittens are weaned, or kept indoors and away from any male cats to prevent her getting pregnant immediately afterwards. It is cruel and detrimental to the female's health if she is allowed to carry another litter straight after the last one; she would have no chance of resting and recovering from the last litter. A queen will need "time off" to get her weight and strength back up

When should you get your mamma cat fixed after having kittens?

She can be fixed as soon as her kittens are weaned, at around six weeks of age. The mother will stop giving milk after she is spayed, so it is important you don't spay her before then.

Should you handle newborn kittens before they open their eyes?

Probably not. The mother could be very protective and also if you are not very very careful you could hurt the kittens. But soon after they open their eyes I think it might be safer.