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actually, it's the other way around. what happens is quite simple really. the queen bee, who is the only bee that mates and is the mother of the hive, goes on what is called a mating flight and flies out of the hive and begins to fly around. the male bees, which are known as drones, then fly out of their hives and go to where the queen is at and begin to mate with her while flying high up in the air. the queen only needs to mate 5 or 6 times, although she can mate 10 to 12 times. after mating, the male dies. the queen then returns to her hive and stays there, for the most part, for the rest of her life.

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Q: How the female bee finds the the male bee whom she mates with?
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Does a male cat get along better with a male cat or a female cat?

get a female cat or else you will have lots of kittens...Another Answer:The only way to prevent a litter is to get all the household cats neutered. Personality wise, there is no "best" combination gender. Getting a female or a male cat is completely up to you and what you think is best. It may be ideal to look for a cat whom is used to the company of other cats so that the initial transition to your home is easier on both cats.

Why do male birds have colorful feathers?

The female's job is to lay the eggs, or brood them. So her coloring has to match with the environment where she is so she can sit on her eggs in secret. The male wood ducks job is to distract any predator that get to close to his mate. This rule goes for all wild ducks. (2) Most female poultry and waterfowl are not as decorative and brilliantly feathered as males. Just as a general rule! The males try to impress the females with their coloration. The females just have to sit back and drake - watch!

Can animals mate with other animals of the same species again and again?

In animals that live in groups, a single dominant male will often lead the group and mate with all the females, polygamously. The male's instinctive role is to spread its seed, its own specific DNA, as much as it possibly can to keep it's DNA chain going. In other animals, mating is less restrictive within a group. And there are some animals that mate only with a single partner with whom they are paired for life. In some pair bonds, the male leaves the female after the cub is born or matured.

What is the cycle of frogs?

Well first of all the female frog lay eggs and when the eggs hatch they are tadpoles, then the tadpoles transform into frog-like creatures whom are tiny and have tails and then they finally turn into frogs!.

Which of these passages from The Jungle contains a metaphor?

Of the disinherited of life, for whom there is no respite and no deliverance, to whom the world is a prison, a dungeon of torture, a tomb!

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