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"Sir, She walks, she talks, she's full of chalk, the lacteal fluid extracted from the female of the bovine species is highly prolific to the nth degree." The nth degree denoting the number of glasses of milk left on the table, sir.

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Q: How would a plebe answer the question How is the cow?
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Related questions

When was Plebe Rude created?

Plebe Rude was created in 1981.

If a cow laughed hard enough would cheese come out its nose?

The better question is how would you make a cow laugh?

What would an organic cow eat?

There's no such thing as an "organic cow." A cow is a cow, regardless. She will eat what "normal" cows eat, which is defined in the related question posted below.

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What is an Annapolis freshman student called?

An Annapolis freshman student is typically called a "plebe" or a "midshipman" at the United States Naval Academy.

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What do you call a naval academy newcomer?

A freshman at the academy is referred to as a "Plebe" until they are recognized at Herdon Monument, then they become midshipman of the 4th class.

What is harder ROTC or being a plebe?

If you're a plebe then you're at USMA at West Point, New York. West Point is one of the hardest colleges to get into in the country. Being a plebe is for sure the harder of the two. Sources: My dad, grandfather, and sister all went there.

What natural resource are made of cow?

the cow IS the natural resource. once you cut the cow up and make something, its not a natural resource any more. would you like to re-word your question?

How many people approximately would be the equivalent mass to a cow?

That all depends on the weight of the cow in question. For instance, if you are comparing to how many people weigh the same as a 1000 lb cow, then that would be 5 x 200 lb men to be of equivalent weight to a 1000 lb cow.

What would happen if a cow could not belch?

This is exactly what happens when cows get what is called "bloat." A cow that cannot release gases built up in the rumen will die because of the intensifying pressure the rumen puts on the lungs, strangling the cow to death. So to answer your question, the cow would die.

If you push a cow over on to its back does it die?

No, but my question is; why would you want to? Just like flipping a shark on it's back, it should momentarily stun your cow.