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Take it to the vet, asap.

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Q: I think my cat has a cold its sneezing really hard and its eyes are blood shot and dripping what do i do?
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Can you fart while sneezing?

yeah, well i think its the other way around, I stop holding it in while sneezing *parp*

Is the oconomowoc cemetery haunted?

Well people say that it is. I think it is because every Halloween there is a girl statue that has her hands cuffed and there is blood dripping from her hands and she romes around the gravyard. Police wont let anyone in to stay over night on Halloween or on any day/ night just to see the blood dripping. But yes the cemetery is haunted. Hope that answerd your question!!

What is the french word for driping?

I think you mean dripping, which is égouttement.

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I think its dorsal. REALLY sure.

What is it called when ions or molecules in the blood stimulate the release of a hormone?

i don't really know and sure but i think it is blood.

What is the synonyms for wheezing?

Sneezing, hacking, spitting. There are more I just can't think of them.

Can you give blood if you have had hepatitis type A?

i really dont think you can.. sorry.. ): it is a very contagious deiease... so i dont think your leaglly allowed to donate blood.

Why does a dog constantly blow his nose its not sneezing and its not coughing He is eating as normal?

i think what you mean is reverse sneezing, it is normal its reverse of how how we sneeze when we sneeze we let hair out, they do the reverse

What did they use for blood in psycho film?

I think it's fake blood I think they got water and red paint idk really that's my guess

Who is the first animation movie?

I think that was in 1888 by Edison, a guy who was sneezing or something like that.

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Moms are snotty because they think you will be sick!

When you on your period blood is coming from your butt?

Okay, I don't really know what the question was, but if blood is coming from your but, I think you need to see a doctor!