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a liver cell wil be diploid and an egg cell will be haploid (ie half of what a diploid cell has) so there would be 10 chromosomes in the egg cell

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Q: If a liver cell in a lizard has 20 chromosomes how many would be in an egg cell?
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If a regular diploid body cell, (liver, skin etc..) have 60 chromosomes then the gamete (reproductive cell ie sperm/egg) have half that numberof chromosomes- So the Bull's liver cell contains 60 chromosomes.

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Does a cheek cell contain the same chromosomes as a liver cell?

Yes. In an individual, almost all cells contain DNA (Red Blood Cells do not). That DNA is tightly wound like you would twist a drawstring, and kept tightly coiled as chromosomes. Since chromosomes can be found in a cheek cell, a liver cell (hepatocyte), and almost all other cells, they all contain the same chromosomes, which inevitably have the same genes. What makes cheek cells different from liver cells is which genes are turned on and off. Cheek cells have different genes turned on compared to liver cells.

If the liver cell of an animal have 24 chromosomes how many chromosomes do its sperm cells have?

Body cells, like liver cells, are diploid. This means they have pairs of chromosomes. In this example the diploid number of chromosomes is 24. In sperm cells (or egg cells) the number of chromosomes is halved. This is described as the haploidnumber. In this example the haploid number would be 24/2 = 12. So the number of chromosomes in the sperm cells would be 12.

Where in the cell would you find chromosomes?

You would find them in a nucleaus inside the cell.

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What cell has homologous chromosomes?

A somatic cell (body cell) is a cell that would have homologous chromosomes.

How Many Chromosomes In A Shrimp Egg Cell?

Shrimp have 254 chromosomes, so an egg cell would have 127 chromosomes

If a body cell has 22 chromosomes what would be the chromosomes what would be the chromosomes count for the reproductive cells?