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actually in your basement there is no daddy long leg Spiders the spiders in your basement are called cellar spiders they don't eat other bugs they just make webs and will sit there undisturbed for many days so you should get rid of them unless you want spiders in your basement.

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Q: If daddy long leg spiders are in basement should you get rid of them or will they eat other spiders or bugs?
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What is the difference between a Daddy Long Legs and a Black Widow spiders?

A daddy long legs is a very spindly and harmless spider. Black widow spiders, on the other hand, are thicker and extremely poisonous. People should avoid black widow spiders whenever possible.

What does a daddy long leg eat?

It mainly eats flowers, fungi, insects, and other spiders. and food! your welcome

What spiders are found in the Central Coast CA?

well i live there and there r daddy long legs and common spiders. i have seen a few tranchulas but most are none posionious ...There are Daddy long legs. Black widows. Tarantulas. There are a lot of other spiders. There are barn spiders. And a fast little black spider that is everywhere. It is kinda small and there are a lot of them. Most spiders here are non lethal. With the exception of the black widow. But even then if you get proper medical attention it is no big deal. I've lived here my whole life, most of the time spent on a ranch in the country.

Is a daddy long-leg an insect?

NO, Daddy-Long Legs can refer to two types of Arachnid (8-Legged). Arachnids and Insects (6-Legged) are two different classes of Arthropods (meaning "Jointed Leg"), other arthropods include the Decapods (10-Legged) which include crabs, lobsters, and shrimp. Within the Arachnids, you have: Ticks, Scorpions, Mites, Harvestmen, and Spiders. One animal referred to as "Daddy Long-Legs" is the Harvestman, which is NOT a spider or an insect, but is a type of arachnid called an Opillione. They do NOT bite, and can, (unlike spiders, eat solid food. Harvestman Daddy-Long Legs are forest dwelling creatures which eat Detritus (decaying material) such as old leaves, old fruit, old mushrooms, and dead animal matter. They are wonderful, beneficial animals. The other animals referred to as "Daddy Long-Legs" are harmless spiders known as basement spiders, or Pholcids (Order: Araneae, Family: Pholcidae). These spiders are the thin gray spiders in the corners of basements and bathrooms who are often responsible for making cobwebs (probably the only thing considered negative that they can do). They are very cool to play with because their defense is to swirl around and make themselves look blurry so they are hard to see in their messy webs. If you see one, touch it, it will start shaking around and blend in visually with it's web. They catch a lot of bad bugs and are good to keep around if you don't mind the cobwebs. Contrary to popular belief, they do NOT have the strongest venom in the world, nor very strong venom at all, and are quite a shy and harmless kind of spider. Neither kind of "Daddy Long-Legs" will ever bite a person, and they are both beneficial animals in the Arachnid class. They are NOT insects.

What are daddy long legs' predators?

Daddy-longlegs eat a wide variety of food. This includes spiders, insects, plant pests, dead insects, and bird droppings. In order to defend themselves, they produce a strong, distasteful odor.

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What do grand daddy legs eat?

Insects and other spiders.

What other spiders look like brown recluse?

Daddy long leg

What kind of spiders do white tailed spiders eat?

It is actually called the white tailed spider. Like most venomous spiders, it primarily feeds on other insects, even other spiders. Because of the likeliness of its prey being common household insects, it does pose a risk in many places of Australia.

How do I get rid of spiders in my basement?

Spiders like dirty and abandoned places to build their web. So, it is good to make sure that there is not enough hiding places for them. Another way can be doing vacuum cleaning once a week. Also, don't store your food items in the basement for a significant period. Some other bugs can come to get that stored food and sometimes spiders depend on other bugs. So, also make sure there are no other bugs at the basement.

What enemies does the daddy longlegs have?

There are several predators that prey on daddy longlegs, such as birds, spiders, frogs, and some insects like mantises. Additionally, some parasitic wasps and mites target daddy longlegs as hosts for their larvae.

What can a small lizard eat?

They eat Daddy long legs spiders, tiny grasshoppers, also other small spiders that are not poisonous and probably the easiest to get them is ants. They like ants.

What is the difference between a Daddy Long Legs and a Black Widow spiders?

A daddy long legs is a very spindly and harmless spider. Black widow spiders, on the other hand, are thicker and extremely poisonous. People should avoid black widow spiders whenever possible.

Are daddy longlegs an arthropod?

Yes. They are either crane flies, which are insects, or two other types of arthropod related to spiders. In different places all three are called daddy longlegs.

What are 2 dangerous spiders in Australia?

The Daddy Long Legs is one of the spiders with The biggest fangs although they can bite us they are the biggest threat to other spiders their fangs are so Farr back in their throat if all spider came together the tralancular will even run away from the daddy long legs

All spiders of the family of arachnid of eight legs?

Yes, all spiders are 8-legged arachnids. Other arachnids include: scorpions, harvestmen (aka daddy longlegs), ticks, and some mites.

What do you feed a daddy long legs spider?

The Daddy Long Legs is not a spider but a fly, more correctly known as a crane fly. Adult crane flies feed on nectar or they do not feed at all. Once they become adults, most crane fly species exist as adults only to mate and die. Unless of course you are referring to the cellar spider which is also known as the daddy long legs spider which traps and eats insects like most other spiders.

Are daddy long leg spiders harmful to humans?

No, Daddy-Long-Legs are not harmful to humans because they can bite but they dont put any poison into you. It just feels like a pinch if they bite you but other then that they are not harmful to humans.