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two heads. A usual condition with conjoined twins.

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6mo ago

If something is bicephalous, it has two heads.

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Q: If something is bicephalous it has two what?
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What does bicephalous mean?

Bicephalous means having two heads (i.e. some aliens or monsters have two heads).

What is a deer with two heads?

A bicephalous deer.

How many belly buttons does a Siamese twin have?

If they have two complete bodies- they would have two navels. A bicephalous person (with one body and two heads) would probably have only one naval.

What mythological creature had two heads one of which is immortal?

Possibly the Roc , usually drawn as two-headed in (Sinbad the Sailor). This may have been the prototype, though mythical, of the Russian Double Eagle, On this Roc, a neat pun on the Imperial Capital of St.Petersburg, also known as, (Stacy-Town). It is almost certainly a pure myth, no bird could be that large and a bicephalous bird is pushing the Red Line of the imagination.

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if you have two lots of two then you have four of something. How could it be something else?????

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Bisect means to cut something in to two pieces.

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it means two people fighting about something. it means two people fighting about something.

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to make something and to grow something

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An inequality is a comparison of two values.In the simplest terms it means something does not have the same value as something else.An inequality is a comparison of two values.In the simplest terms it means something does not have the same value as something else.An inequality is a comparison of two values.In the simplest terms it means something does not have the same value as something else.An inequality is a comparison of two values.In the simplest terms it means something does not have the same value as something else.

What are two human rights?

there are two basic human right (1) something to eat (2) something to wear