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No not at all. In fact, if you have a kitten that is on the too frisky side or wild, often the neutering can calm them down. Please phone your vet because the younger you do it (not too young ... the vet will tell you when to bring in your kitten) the easier the operation is on the kitten. When you take the kitten in for neutering please book-off that weekend for at 24 hours to be sure you are home for your kitten. They love to just cuddle up and sleep and feel secure after the operation. Marcy When cats get a little older they tend to become "aloof and distant". Just call him "king kitty", since they all consider themselves to be a member of royalty.

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Q: If you neuter a charming sociable kitten could he then turn aloof and distant?
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How do you calm down a hyper kitten?

Spray or Neuter them.

Can you neuter and declaw a kitten at one time?

I should imagine so, but it is advisable to get a veterinarian to neuter the cat.

What is the best age to neuter your male kitten?

When he is at least he weighs 3 pounds

Could a strange stray kitten be something to do with paranormal activity at home?

The stray kitten is most likely something much more mundane such as an irresponsible pet owners that don't spay and/or neuter their animals.

How much money is a regular kitten?

It depends on your source. Some people and organizations will give away kittens for free, if they're not pedigrees. Just ask around and you'll probably find some either really cheap or free. Note, however, that the initial costs of owning a kitten are not restricted to the kitten. You also have to allow for initial vet inspection and vaccination, and eventual spay or neuter. Many animal shelters will charge about $100 - $150, but include the vet inspection, vaccination, and a certificate good for a free spay or neuter in that cost.

How old is to old to neuter a cat?

A cat is never too old to neuter, as long as it is healthy. If you are considering neutering an older cat, check with your veterinarian about the surgery and the risks involved before making the decision.

How safe are feral kitten traps?

It's safe. vets use them to catch cats to neuter/spay them and then let them go, they wouldn't use a trap that would hurt an animal

Is 5 months too early to spay your kitten?

On the contrary; five months is a perfect time to spay your kitten! It is always best to spay and neuter kittens before they reach sexual maturity. This ensures that the kitten does not begin spraying (females on heat can and do spray), yowling at all hours to attract males and trying to escape outside in order to find a mate.

How much to kittens tend to be?

The cost of a kitten usually depends on the pre-adoption care he has received. Most humane societies will charge about US$100 for a kitten that has received all necessary vaccinations, and has a clean bill of health. Some societies will charge a little more, but will also include a certificate good for a free spay or neuter once the kitten is of age.

Can you get your kitten neutered if shes in heat?

Male cats don't go into heat. Male cats can be neutered at any time. Female cats may also be spay at any time. If you suspect your female cat is pregnant, inform the veterinarian in advance.

Usual and customary rate for animal surgery?

Surgical procedures on animals will have a wide range of costs, from as little as $75 for a kitten neuter up to tens of thousands of dollars to put a stent into a ureter by a kidney.

Is a palace common or neuter?
