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Q: In a food chain a bigger fish eats a smaller fish. What is the bigger fish called?
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In a food chain a bigger fish eats a smaller fish what is bigger fish called?


In food chain a bigger fish eats a smaller fish. What is the bigger fish called?


In a good chain a bigger fish eats a smaller fish what is the bigger fish called?


What is a dolphin role in the food chain?

Same as a normal dolphin. It eats the bigger fish, which eat the smaller fish, and the chain ends at the smallest creature in the Amazonian water system.

Does bigger fish eat smaller fish?

yes, bigger fish eats smaller fish

Why do cats eat mouse?

It's all part of the grand design of the food chain: the bigger fish eats the smaller fish. The dog eats the cat. The cat eats the mouse. The mouse eats the grain. The grain eats nutrients from the soil. The soil is rich in nutrients because of a decomposing dog. Or cat. Or mouse, even. Thus, we can conclude: the worm is on top of them all in the food chain !

What a species eats and what eats that species is part of its role in the ecosystem is called?

The food chain maybe?

How do fish take in fish?

a bigger fish eats a smaller fish.Then the fish takes in fish.

What is it called when a mouse eats cheese and a snake eats the mouse a owl eats the snake?

I would say food chain.

What eats bigger fish?

If a fish has a big enough mouth, it could possible eat a bigger fish, especially if the smaller fish is aggressive.

What is it called when a zebra eats grass and a lion eats the zebra?

The circle of life.

What creature eats green sea turtles?

Well sea creatures eat bigger or smaller creatures!