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Solar energy is collected by autotrophs. Energy transformations are never completely efficient as energy is lost as heat and waste and only around 5-20% of energy is passed on to the next trophic level.

Organisms take in nutrients from their food and these nutrients occur as complex organic molecules in living things. After these organisms died, saprotrophs and decomposers break down these organic molecules into simpler substances. These substances are then recycled when they are absorbed by plants to recreate complex organic molecules.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Energy moves through the ecosystem, starting as sunlight absorbed by plants, which is used to produce carbohydrates, which store energy, and sometimes these are converted into fats. Carbohydrates and fats are consumed by herbivorous animals, and carnivorous animals consume the herbivores to get the energy originally captured by plants. As for nutrients, such as vitamins or minerals, most of them are absorbed or produced by plants, and are later consumed by animals higher up the food chain, although some nutrients (such as Vitamin B12 or certain amino acids) are produced within animals, either by their own cells or by bacteria living in their digestive systems.

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9y ago

The Ecosystems does maintain themselves by cycling energy and nutrients obtained from the external sources.

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13y ago

nutrients cycle through the ecosystem in a circular fashion, and energy cycles through the ecosystem in a one way only fashion.

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it is larger

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Q: In an ecosystem how is the movement of energy similar to that of chemical nutrients and how is it different?
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How are the movement of energy and the movement of chemicals in ecosystem different?

Energy is not recycled, it flows in and out in a unidirection. Chemical energy enters as light energy and is produced by producers and leaves the ecosystem as heat.

How is movement of matter and energy through an ecosystem different?

An example of the transfer of energy is the food chain. This is different from movement of basic elements in the ecosystem because energy gets used, not just moved.

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two major process 1 = cycling of nutrient 2= chemical energy (food)

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The typical movement of energy through an ecosystem is upward. This means that food flows through the different animals that eat each other.

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A stagnant ecosystem refers to an ecosystem that lacks movement or change, often characterized by a lack of diversity, low productivity, and limited or no movement of energy and nutrients. Stagnant ecosystems typically have low levels of oxygen, causing a decrease in biodiversity and overall ecosystem health. Examples of stagnant ecosystems can include stagnant ponds or lakes with low water flow or oxygen levels.

Why is the movement of basic elements in ecosystem different from the transfer energy?

no thank you for the "beep you" part!! like what the heck!!!

Why is the movement of basic element in ecosystem different from the transfer of energy?

no thank you for the "beep you" part!! like what the heck!!!

Why is the movement from The basic elements different from the transferring energy?

An example of the transfer of energy is the food chain. This is different from movement of basic elements in the ecosystem because energy gets used, not just moved.

An oriented movement in response to light or chemical stimuli?

Movement in response to light is called phototaxis, and in response to chemicals is chemotaxis. More specifically, movement towards a stimulus is positive and away from is negative. For example, positive chemotaxis is movement of a cell towards nutrients.

What best describes the flow of energy and the movement of chemical compounds in an ecosystem?

The flow of energy through an ecosystem is described as one-way or linear. This means that energy enters the ecosystem and passes through it without being recycled. Energy enters in the from of light (via photosynthesis) and leaves as heat. Heat is not used as a source of energy by living organisms. Chemical compounds can be recycled, so their movement is cyclical in an ecosystem. The same atoms are used over and over again, so your body will contain atoms that were in the bodies of dinosaurs, for example.

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