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Q: Instead of swimming alone many types of fish swim together in groups or schools When grouped together the fish may appear to be one large organism rather than many small organisms This appearance?
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Is the portuguese man of war a single organism or is it multiple organisms joined together?

multiple organisms

Are all organisms disease producing?

no. an organism is any system of organs working together.

Are the cells of your body considered organisms?

They are living, but they are not organisms. Cells are the "building blocks" of tissues, which group together into organs, which group together into organ systems. Those organ systems comprise an organism. The individuals cells are not organisms themselves.

How does a cell get to an organism?

welll.........did you Eva attend school cells combine together in order to create organisms cells do not get to organism your question is stupid

What kinds of organisms are made up of cells?

The answer you are looking for is "colonial" . Colonial organisms live together but if separated can survive on their own. Good luck on that quiz!

What is it when breeders cross two geneticlly similar organisms?

The two organisms DNA fuse together and join as one to produce an organism with both of the other organisms genetic material.

What is the word for All the organisms that live together in an area?

Biome Habitat Environment Ecosystem

Do multicellular organisms differ from unicellur organisms?

A colonial organism is a collection of one-celled organisms living together. The difference between a multicellular organism and a colonial organism is that individual organisms from a colony can, if separated, survive on their own, while cells from a multicellular life-form (e.g., cells from a brain) cannot. Multicellular organisms consist of differentiated cells that perform special tasks. The entire organism requires all the different types of cells to be present, and the individual cells can not survive without being in the organism

The way organism are put together?

Hi well organisms are put together by structure and you would learn this in seventh grade science welcome people :)

How would you distinguish a large colonial organisms from a multicellular organism?

Multicellular organisms are organisms with more than one cell, the cells of which are usually specialized. A large colonial organism is an organism of many cells that are loosely attached to each other and that show little or no specialization among themselves. Multicellular organisms are capable of surviving on their own while colonial organisms are not.

What is the relation of cells to the organism on a whole?

The relationship between cells and organisms is that organisms are made of cells. This is one part of the cell theory.

Why does a multicellular organism usually have a longer life?

Respiration, digestion, and immunity are increased in multicellular organisms. Multiple cells work together to try to maintain stability in the organism's system.