

Is a Siamese cat predator or prey?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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It can be either one. If it is eating another animal, like a bird or a mouse, then it's a predator. If it is being eaten by another animal, like a great horned owl or a coyote, then it is prey.

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Q: Is a Siamese cat predator or prey?
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If the predator helps the prey, like a mother dog nursing a cat.

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A predator and its different prey?

A cat likes to eat birds AND fish AND mice.

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Sassy. And that is not a Siamese cat it is a Himalayan cat.

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How can an animal can be both a predator and a prey?

a predator can be prey, for example cats eat birds and cayotes eat cats for example a cat eats birds and cayotes eat cats A predator is an animal that hunts its prey, kills it and eats it. Prey is that which predators hunt, kill and eat. A snake eats mice, therefore it is a predator but an eagle eats snakes, therefore the snake is now a prey.