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Q: Is a group of flying fish out of water a flock or a school?
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Related questions

What do you call a stack of flying ducks?


What is a group of ducks on water called?

This link will give you many including raft and flock.

What is the name of a group of geese swimming on water?


What do you call a group of geese in land or in water?

A flock or a skein (as in a skein of yarn) (pronounced skayn)

What is a gagle?

I don't really know about gagle, but gaggle means:make a noise characteristic of a goose; "Cackling geese"a flock of geeseA gaggle is a term of venery for a flock of geese that isn't in flight; in flight, the group can be called a skein.A group of geese when they are on the ground or on the water; Any group or gathering of related things; bunch; To cackle (like geese)An assembly of aircraft flying together without organisation or cohesion.(added in 2002) Is a block that airs 3 hours of one show weekends.

What do you call a group of ducks?

Ducks in flight are a flock. Ducks on the ground are a badling. Ducks in the water are a raft, team or paddling

What are animals living in a group?

If it is a water based animal it is normally a pod, A land based animal it is normally a heard or a set, and if it is a bird it is a flock apart from sheep which are land based not birds.

What do you call a pair of ducks?

The answer depends upon whether they are in water or in flight: In water, a group of ducks can be called a bunch, paddling, or raft. In flight, a group of ducks can be called a skein, string, or team. However, some terms were apparently coined by deviously creative minds (in a fit of passion, genius, or stupor, as with most manic spurts of creative zeal)-- thus, to be safe, I suggest using the term "flock of ducks".

What type is Gyarados?

Gyarados is a Water and Flying type Pokemon.

What do we call the group of birds?

Owls are Birds of Prey Owls are in the main group Strigiformes. Owls are divided into two main groups: Strigidae- Typical owls and Tytonidae- Barn owls

What does it mean flying over water?

flying in an airplane

Is a collection of fish called a school a host or a fleet?

A collection of fish is called a school. If there is a group of fish traveling through the water, they are called a school of fish.