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I am a 12-year-old girl and I have two hamsters, Digger and Cookie. I wanted a hamster as my first pet and I got one from my godmother. Cookie was from a pet store and she only cost £6.00. Her cage was very cheap as well - if you buy a cage costing over £25.00 you get a free starter set, which includes bedding, food, disinfectant, treats, and a book about how to look after hamsters.

Hamsters are very easy to look after : you put them in a ball costing no more than £5.00 when cleaning their cage. The dirty bedding goes into a plastic bag and you put the new bedding in.

If wondering about a hamster, you could buy a fish instead. All you do with fish is feed them and keep the aquarium clean. If the fish works out, you should be responsible enough to get a hamster.

I love my hamsters. They are great pets and have become part of the family. When they're young, they poop a lot more. But it's worth it to see something so small have a personality and grow up. I got Cookie as a baby and she's all grown up now. I got Digger when he was 1, and that was two years ago. He's holding on, but most hamsters only live for two or three years. My friend's hamster lived until he was 7!

Hamsters are great pets to love and care for.

Apart from fish, hamsters are one of the easiest pets to look after, especially for the younger ones. It is advised to buy a SYRIAN hamster for children as they are bigger (making them easier to hold), and generally easier to tame. I have two hamsters myself. I love them to bits and they are really easy to care for, and need a very small amount of food compared to a cat or dog. Buy a metal or plastic cage. Do not buy a wooden cage as the wood will soak up the hamster's urine, making it difficult to clean and deodorize. Hamsters are wonderful pets and that ten-year-old should buy a hamster!

I would say to research which hamsters bite the least, Russian hamsters are known to bite a lot more than other hamsters. My boy hamster has never bitten me, yet my female hamster has. I suggest getting a male Syrian or golden hamster. Golden hamsters are bigger in size compared to a Syrian hamster though.

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Q: Is a pet hamster a good first pet for a 10 year old who has done plenty of research And if so how much does one cost?
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How much does a hamster cost at petco that lives for 4 years?

At Petco they cost $2-10 US, I got a dwarf hamster and it cost $2.99.

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First, its pronounced 'cost'!!!!!!!!!! And hamsters can be sold at up to $15-20+ each!

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A guinea pig may cost a little more than a hamster.

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No there is not much difference i have a a red eyed hamster

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At pets at home they cost £7.50

Who much coast a hamster?

you can buy hamsters in pet shops and if you want a pet hamster it will only cost you 5 pounds if you want a hamster it will cost you 22 pounds or 21 pounds. hoped i helped

How much does it cost to have a hamster cremated?

On average, the cost of euthanizing a hamster is around 10 dollars. Usually most of these fees include the cremation also.

About how much does a Hamster cost?

Where I live at Petco is about $16

How much does hamster food cost at petland?

about $5.00

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It costs about $100.00

How much do golden hamsters cost?

It depends where in Slovakia the cost of a golden Syrian hamster moves from 2,99 Euros but in Luxembourg a golden hamster costs 6,59Euros.