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There are raccoons and there are bears but there are no raccoon bears.

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Q: Is a raccoon bear a herbivore carnivore omnivore?
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Is the raccoon a carnivore an omnivore or a herbivore?

A raccoon is an Omnivore, it eats meat and other plants. Actually, a raccoon will eat almost anything. They usually wash it off first though.Raccoons (erroneously called "Wash Bears" in German) have very poor eyesight. It is a misconception that they wash their food before eating it; they merely finger or manipulate it giving us the impression that they are, indeed, washing it.Some anecdotal information: We had several raccoons in our backyard in southern Virginia who visited us nightly to get their snicky-snacks: toast points, marshmallows and lots of roasted-in-the-shell, unsalted peanuts and a handful of dry cat food. My husband would prepare an attractive tray for them -- they were just so droll -- we couldn't resist them.Besides, we were living in an area that, like so many others all over the country, had been cleared and forced out all wildlife. We simply tried to compensate them a little for the loss of their previously peaceful habitat.We had a little foot-high bird bath on our deck where they washed themselves, drank from and, unfortunately, also utilized as a toilet occasionally.

Is a racoon a carnivore or omnivore?

Technically, raccoons are classified as carnivores but, in actuality, they are omnivores. During most of the year they eat more plant matter than animal. The are similar to black bears in that respect

What eats a raccoon in the food chain?


Is a raccoon a predator?

The raccoon's natural predators include big cats (cougars, bobcats,), as well as coyotes, wolves, and bears. In their natural forest environment, there are not as many big cats, but they are also hunted by humans.

Ten animals you will not find in the Antarctic?

Lion, elephant, mountain lion, horse, raccoon, mole, elk, polar bear, sparrow, boar.

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Is a raccoon a carnivore or a herbivore or an omnivore?

Technically, a raccoon is classified as a carnivore but with an omnivorous diet, not unlike the black bear.

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They are omnivores, they eat fish and berries. so omnivore.

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carnivore it eats people soo watch out! and also the grizzly bear but that's about it

Are raccoon carnivore herbivore or omnivores?

Technically a raccoon is classified as a carnivore but, in reality, they are omnivores and eat a variety of plant and animal matter. Their diet is similar to that of a black bear.

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Panda Bears eat bambo so they are herbivores

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a bear for an omnivore and a tiger for carnivore

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